The latest COVID19 hygiene song is here!

This song is by Albert Ngome in Mombasa, Kenya. He writes, “My poem is a Coastal Swahili one; its title is, ‘We Will Defeat Corona.’ My community has been affected most and has been in fears, so I decided to write this poem to instill hope and faith to our people.” Albert adds that the song has been well received by the political leaders and the broader community, Muslim and Christian alike. Mary Lu and I were honored to have worked with Albert remotely to complete this strategic song project. 

We continue to work during this COVID19 pandemic to help indigenous artists like Albert impact their communities in positive ways even while quarantined. Pease pray for those in coastal Kenya who struggle to find food and medicine during this crisis. Pray also that COVID19 songs created by Christian artists will teach and encourage their communities and will also give artists a bigger platform to share the gospel in the future. 
