Today’s song is a freestyle rap sent to us by Theo Light, a talented musician friend now living in Dakar, Senegal. Theo says to his community in this health crisis, “This is the right time to give your life to Jesus.” The lyrics of this rap, a mixture of Ewe and French, challenge listeners to consider the bigger picture – the spiritual reality that all need Jesus, “the remedy.”

We enjoyed working with Theo in his home country of Togo in March 2019. We also enjoyed the cool surprise of meeting Theo and his wife, Vina in Senegal in September that same year! (see picture above). Both are artists who challenge their community to practice recommended hygiene guidelines for COVID19. (Watch for Vina’s COVID19 song coming soon!) 

Theo’s rap is evangelistic, challenging unbelievers to turn to Christ in the midst off this crisis; while Vina’s song (still to come) is directed at Christians who are not taking the health crisis seriously. Her song challenges listeners that prayer is not enough – they need safe hygiene practices, too!
