Thank you for the many cards, emails and phone calls expressing thoughts, prayers and condolences after the death of Doug’s mother, Ruth Anthony. God was gracious to mom and to each of us through this whole process from diagnosis on Jan 1 to her welcome into Jesus’ arms on Feb 14th. We are grateful that we could work remotely from PA so that we could help provide care and support during these difficult weeks. Dad has since resumed driving school bus and motor coaches and we are now working from Ohio as Mary Lu helps lead EHS musical rehearsals in the evenings.  

Welcome news! – We received word from three international project partners this week who anticipate that we can resume projects in the coming 6 to 7 months! One possibly before summer (Mali), one during summer (Kenya) and another likely in the fall (Indonesia). In addition, we hope to have an update in the next two weeks on the scripture song project site in Zambia. It feels so good to be working towards international projects again and we are thrilled for the possibility that we could resume projects in four international locations before the end of 2021. 

Dancing and a message of hope – Togo musician, Elias Atayi released this music video which combines energetic dancing and a message of hope to those discouraged and weary from the pandemic. Elias founded ERFA, Equal Rights for All, in 2020 and has produced videos encouraging safe COVID-19 hygiene practices and others speaking out against domestic violence. The dance in this video reflects a new infusion of youthful energy and expression into meaningful cultural dance traditions. 
