The Anthony Family Band has an official album release! Our COVID19 song has been released as an album. The album includes four very short segments of the COVID19 song (for use as PSAs) and one complete setting of the song. The songs can be accessed through most streaming services like Spotify, Apple Music, etc. and be purchased as well. 

This project was a labor of love . . . and obligation. We challenged our musician partners around the world to create COVID19 hygiene songs for their own communities during their quarantine. We knew this was a daunting task for them because of limited access to musicians, instruments, recording equipment and engineers; so to make things a little more fair, we committed to create a song for use in the U.S.. 

And here it is!

You are welcome to use the song (and segments) to remind yourself and others to observe healthy hygiene practices as we reopen. If you purchase the song we will make a few pennies, if you play on a streaming services we will make a few hundredths of a penny (kind of like couponing, isn’t it?). All I’m saying is that nobody’s getting rich here – we just want to make this available as widely as possible:)
