What can God eat?

“Nkai Minya Iyie Nanya Ltung’ani” in Samburu language literally means: “God, you cannot eat what man can eat.” Metaphorically it means, “God’s plans are not man’s plans.” I love the cultural character and color found in local idioms, metaphors, wisdom...

Our Mission

Engaging local culture . . . for lasting good. We catalyze strategic interactions between local creative artists and ministry leaders. Leaders and artists learn to unpack local cultural forms and practices, identifying deep and multi-layered meanings, and...

It Takes Two Wheels

It takes two wheels to make the donkey cart goWith just one wheel it won’t work on the roadIt takes the wheel of God’s faithfulnessAnd the wheel of our obedienceTo grow spiritually and become like Christ This is a curricular song for a Freedom to Lead leadership...

God, the creator of everything!

The song “Mwe Wata” says, “God, you are the creator of everything.” This Anglican worship choir from Mfuwe, Zambia presented today’s song in Kunda language to promote the use of Kunda language for Christian worship services among Kunda people. There are only...