We are honored that the Lausanne Arts Network, a worldwide network of artists focused on global missions, featured the ministry of Walk in Two Worlds in their fall newsletter. They chose Ewe musician, Vina Bright (pictured above) for the cover and the inside article highlights eight additional COVID 19 hygiene songs created by our international partners during this pandemic. We are excited for the exposure this article gives to each of these international musicians.

We are so privileged to have our Strategic Arts Initiatives recognized alongside other projects that combine arts and mission. In addition to public health projects, other Strategic Arts Initiatives include 1) curricular projects such as leadership development, discipleship, mentoring 2) scripture memory songs – usually in partnership with Bible translators and 3) indigenous worship song projects. Our mission is to create strategic alliances between church leaders and artists to multiply the impact of the local church – and it works! We are thrilled for the impact these songs have already made in local communities, and we are trusting God to increase the influence of these artists and their local churches in future months.

Click this link to view the newsletter:


Or you can access a PDF version by clicking here:
